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Get to know us

As our faculty does not have an extensive list of permanent staff, we are able to invite a variety of well-known international experts. Instructors and students from across the world meet during concentrated lesson weeks, where they share their knowledge and expertise in an interactive and stimulating atmosphere.

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What do we offer?

Want to learn more about the interaction between the law of Church and society?  Our goal is to enable you to serve the People of God as a judge, a promotor of justice or an advocate in an ecclesiastical tribunal, or as chancellor, judicial vicar or expert in canon law in the diocesan Curia.

Are you working full-time? Not to worry! The Faculty of Canon Law has a part-time study programme. It also offers flexible study programmes for distance learners who wish to combine work with studying.


“Not only the canonical knowledge but also the whole international atmosphere at Leuven is unique and outstanding. It was mostly a pleasure and always a honor to be part of it. Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to become a canon lawyer.”

— Julia, former student —

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